Vaginal Trainers/Stimulators
Vaginal Trainers (formerly known as dilators) are used to slowly stretch and strengthen the pelvic floor. Although they are frequently used for therapeutic pain management, they also can help to relax the muscles, allowing for increased coordination and continence. Vibration is frequently used to stimulate the muscles, bringing blood flow to the targeted region. In some situations, vibration is recommended to help relax the pelvic floor muscles, allowing you to "lengthen" before you "strengthen" (meaning, you have to relax the muscles and get them to their full length before you strengthen them. For example, you can't do a full bicep curl if your arm does not fully bend and stretch!). Vibration is effective for anyone experiencing decreased mobility/pliability, potentially due to menopause, cancer treatments, pain, and nerve damage- possibly due to childbirth and/or injury, to name a few reasons...

VuVa Full Set Neodymium Magnetic

Five VuVa Smooth -Set of 5

Seven VuVa Smooth - Set of 7

Tantalizing Teaser

Pixies Glider

Sultry Warming Wand Massager

Whisper Micro Warming Bullet