If you are not having daily erections, or your erections are weak, you could benefit from a penis pump to exercise your penis (just like you would any muscle). The purpose of a penis pump is to create a powerful erection, using vacuum pressure to force blood into the penis. Hydropumps do not create the vacuum with air. Instead, water is utilized to generate an equal level of pressure within the pump to bring blood flow into the penis for the desired and necessary erection.
The pump can be used for 5 minutes at a time. Fill with warm water and seal the pump against the body. The handball attachment, which has the ability to create the maximum amount safe pressure in the vessel without needing to compress against the pubic bone, can adjust as desired. The HydroXtreme11 can be used in the bath or shower, or as a part of your daily routine.
The accessory kit, which is included, will help ensure that you get the best results from your hydropump.